Everyone and every creature deserves a place to call home don’t you think?
So I had Huh-honey think out of the box….literally…. and this is what he came up with.
He gave these beauties away for prizes to 3 lucky Realtors when he was a sponsor at a meeting here at my the office. I think they were happy, but sadly not one of them thanked him for their bird house after the meeting. There were about 80 agents there and he made it fun when he drew their names. He and 2 other sponsors provided a continental breakfast as well, hoping to promote business for themselves. BuilderBob is a handyman, that’s what he does now and then, now that he is retired.
It made me sad….because I work here….and he put so much effort into these because I asked him to. I will never ask him to be a sponsor for a meeting again.

They started like this….
and have turned into beautiful creations that any bird of a feather would be happy to call home…
I plan on keeping a couple myself and then hopefully selling some for Christmas presents to make a little extra cash. His ideas are endless… I prefer a chimney on my house don’t you? I am hoping to get some orders for him to start making more….
on a lighter note: Does anyone recall the episode of Seinfeld where George makes himself a little sleeping place under his desk?
well…………………….shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh don’t tell the boss but apparently I have way too much time on my hands…well today I did hehehehe (the boss was gone today)…good thing he doesn’t know I have a blog!
A little ambiance goes a long way don’t you think? yes..that is a lamp, my kindle, 2 pillows, a blanket, (there is NOT someone under that blanket (!) a picture of me and my honey, and a tiny T.V. that only gets one channel. Clearly I am missing a bag of popcorn and a large coke.
And yes…work as usual…
If anyone is wondering…next time I tell the office gals I am taking a Costanza break…they will know where to find me!
PS it is not dark enough in my office with 10,oo0,000 watts of light to even take a nap, unless I actually turn off the lights and close the door, but then, I wouldn’t be here, thank goodness!
just sayin’