Ok ok I know, it has been a couple of weeks again, it either is all at once and I have a huge brain spurt of ideas or just blank space which has been happening a lot lately….blank space. This time of year is always so beautiful for me. Because I am excited to see children excited. I use to get excited….not yet though…but will be soon when it gets a little closer to “the day”.
I am just grateful to have a roof over my head and my health.
Did I say my health? Oh excuse me…I must have been thinking of..oh forget it, I wasn’t thinking at all LOL.
No really I do feel blessed. Very blessed. This year has been ONE HECK OF A YEAR (screaming) and I CAN’T WAIT FOR IT TO BE OVER ALREADY (still screaming).
I am sure many of you feel the same way. Then I read a beautiful blog with such beautiful inspiration from Heather T (found on my side bar) or Wanda or Barb and remember the beauty in this world and my Savior and (getting inspired here) my funny friend Diane and so many blogger friends (all on my side bar) that I visit and forget all my Woe’s and I am ok again.
Yes I am rambling, because I haven’t blogged in 2 weeks again.
Ah my LADY at the top, she is such an icon! This is me some day, all glammed out (not the grey hair though, I have tried and I just look….old) (no offense to women who have beautiful silver hair!) it just isn’t me…. my dad had the most BEAUTIFUL hair and loads of it, I have 3 brothers with beautiful silver hair too, and if I hadn’t started coloring my locks at age 20 I probably would be completely silver, but I will have the diamonds and pearls and a list for Santa…hehehe. I might just have to keep her out all year round to remind me of how beautiful life is….
It took me 4 days to get all my Christmas decor out and spread out all over my great room.
Tree up, lights on the house, (Huh-honey) just finished them the other night…
I have my office filled with a few ornaments here and there since I spend my daylight hours here (sigh). I am just a sparkly kind of gal that loves the lights and prettiness of the season. It just brings a smile to my face. Don’t get me wrong …I know the true meaning of the season. I never forget the true meaning but I love Christmas music and usually play it much earlier than most people would like to hear it. I have it on my i-tunes on my computer so….you get the picture. “Is that Christmas music I hear?” (co-workers) “uh huh” (me laughing) so if your a scrooge please don’t walk into my office and complain of having to listen to softly playing Christmas music!
My sweet Huh-honey and I went and picked pine cones off of the ground (at a park), we picked the very best and biggest we could find and shhhh don’t tell anyone, we plucked a few off of the branches. I love how they cluster together, I took a few pictures of the pine trees and then Huh-honey sprayed and put glitter on those big ole cones and we added them to my tree. It just made the tree look…well fuller. hehehe
Do you see the Robin resting on the branch? They like plucking the nuts out of the opened pine cones…
Looks like I have rambled on long enough….tomorrow I will ramble some more….I took some pics of my adorable grandbaby Kinlee. I haven’t posted very many pics of the grandkids lately…so I had better get to it…of course for journaling sake that is!…..
hugs and smiles across the miles