Well, and that is a pretty deep subject....I finished most of my work at the office today so I am blogging! I found a great thought for today...
It takes a real storm in the average person's life to make him realize how much worrying he has done over the squalls.
My hubby, who is such a smart guy, tells me all the time, "Not to sweat the small stuff". That is very difficult to me to do. I guess if I could go to bed at night and fall asleep in 5 minutes (like he does) and not stay up until midnight...and of course know that every little "thing" is taken care of that needs to be, I wouldn't CREATE storms out of squalls.
But I do
And always probably will.....
On another note: I copied this pic of my beautiful granddaughter Madison.

I can't tell you how much I miss my girls. Just look at the lighting in this pic, and it was probably just a random self pic, (she does that alot! lol) and for the record, Madison has the most beautiful hair, eyelashes (no mascara girls)and YES those lips, are her true color, NO lipsick ladies.... Natalie allows her to use MAYbe some lip gloss on them. Hey Madi girl....Grams loves you and misses you! (sigh)