January 29, 1971, someone came into mylife that changed it. It happend to me 38 years ago. My baby girl. I remember when I first thought I might be pregnant. I did have morning sickness. But it passed into evening sickness after a couple of months. Then I craved baked potatoes. My belly was no bigger than a childs basket ball when I delivered you. You came 6 weeks early and surprised everyone at 5 lbs 2 oz and 18 inches. You were sooo tiny that in your daddy's arms you would dissapear. You have always been his "princess". No one will ever take that away. Through your sweet baby and toddler years, to your adolescent and teenage years, then your adulthood, you have always and will always be a "princess". You have brought us laughter, and maybe a few tears over the years, but you have never failed in bringing us happiness when we needed it most from you. Talk about being melodramatic, HA, you were the best at tearing at my heart and your dads heart. Oh the memories! I know that some of these pictures you are going to kill me for...but you took your album so this is the best of the left-overs I scrounged up. I remember your first day at school, and I remember your last day at school. Maybe there is a lot in between that I don't remember but I do know that getting to this point, and to this day with new memories of you and know your girls, I wouldn't trade it for anything. The "hair" the "make-up" all of it, and I love the fact that we can laugh about all the good the bad and the ugly! I know I have told you "what goes around, comes around" and honestly,if your girls are anything like you (and I believe they both are) cherish these moments! Thank you for being such an awesome daughter, and for just being you. Love you forever....and always your mom.