I was all ready for the big fishing trip. I had planned on catching the “big” one once again. Out smarting those fish and also sticking to my plan to catch the “first” and “BIGGEST” fish of the day.
But…when I got home from work…I walked through the house and noticed that huhoney was in the back yard, spiffing up the pool area, had the lawn mowed, and was doing some trimming. I said “whatcha doing honey, didn’t you just do all this a few days ago? “Yes” was his reply, “but I thought I would get things ready so we could just relax this weekend and maybe swim and just hang out” Hm, well isn’t that nice of huhoney to think of that, we will just be playing all weekend. 3 glorious days of doing absolutely nothing, if we don’t want to. OK…so I sat beside him on the lawn, pulled a few weeds, we talked, just talked, about nothing, a little time passed, we talked about going to get something to eat…then…huhoney looks up and smiles…he says, “who’s that”? (he knew all along) well I poked my head around and looked at the back door, couldn’t see anything, thought it was maybe my youngest son and his family (they live close by) and I couldn’t really see the baby anywhere then “SURPRISE!”, THE LITTLE RASCLES WERE STANDING THERE! I was so excited I almost cried! Owen was so excited about surprising me he just stood there frozen and just smiling…then leaped into my arms and squeezed my neck soooo tight! These little rascals are so dang cute I could just scream! My oldest son, wife and 3 little rascals decided to surprise me and drive down from up north. I was then bomb barded with 3 of them in my arms and squeals of delight that they had “surprised” Oma! Usually it is huhoney and I that take the 4 hour ride to see them but…they led me to believe they would be out of town this weekend with the out-laws. HA, they planned on coming the whole time and needless to say I was a little sad when I didn’t think I would see them over the long weekend. So I set my mind to FISHING. (which of course didn’t happen) Within 10 minutes they were striped down and had their floaties on and were in the pool! We had a great time together. We swam,
these children are like fish, they attached themselves to their daddy’s back then he takes a dive under the water and swims the length of the pool which isn’t very far…but 27 feet is a good test of how long they hold their breath!
woke up Sat morning and swam again (my hair must have gotten washed 10 times over the weekend) played at the park,

swam some more, went to Pirates Pizza, swam some more, played tea party, colored,
swam some more, took a quick trip to Zions National Park, (outside the park area actually)(about 45 min away) had lunch in the touristy town,
lets not forget a stop at the local candy store to pick up some sweets for the drive back home…
came home and swam some more….
fed ducks at the golf course pond,
swam some more
left their sweet mark on the garage wall for posterity…
and said our goodbyes after 3 fun filled crazy busy days with the 3 little rascals! It is my daughter-in-laws BD this Sunday, (Happy Birthday Camille!) Laurens next weekend and then Owens a couple weeks later, so with this visit, I decided to give “lollipop” her BD present.
Even Owen and Daddy thought her new special princess bath towel with her name specially embroidered on it was kinda neat!
A few things are coming up that will prevent us from making a trip up north until Owens BD in Oct. so this visit worked to MY ADVANTAGE!
I LOVE YOU….MY LITTLE RASCALS! thanks for the wonderful SURPRISE!