Camille and her sister KC were having a conversation, during the conversation KC said something to the effect (and I may not get this all perfectly right) but she said something like, "dangit", well the very "smart perceptvie" 6 year old child that Ryan is (being in the same room) said "we don't say that word KC" so the conversation continued, (you have to understand, Camille and Mike are trying to teach the children words that are appropriate to say and ways to express themselves without being....well you know.... wrong) so as the story goes words were going back and forth and KC saying words and Ryan put the kabosh on everything she said. KC: Can we say... "shoot" Ryan: "nope" KC: ______ Ryan: nope KC: _______ Ryan: nope.....
KC: well then, what can we say....and after careful considersation
Ryan: "what the hell". (very matter-of-fact)

Well you can imagine the surprise and laughter that followed from Camille and KC!
Pure innocence of a child 6 years old.