I am Thankful for my brown eyed boy's!
Here is our newest grandbaby! I can't believe that I haven't put this baby on my blog yet, Kolytn Robert Higgins was born in May this year. He is such a cute chunky monkey (that is what Nat nicked him) and he loves to cuddle, be cuddled, kissed and just held. His poor mama (Tera) has done herself in by never putting him down...and is now paying the price! But he is soooo hard to put down! His big brother Kyler who is 5, has the same birthday as Ryan, only hours apart, and is a real ham when it comes to having his pic taken. But when you are as cute as these two.......it's OK! Just this year Brad adopted Kyler and Brad and Tera went through the St. George Temple and were sealed. Pretty cool huh! The Higgins boys are taking over! Keep em comin! gotta luv um!