It happened, the weekend came and it went and with it was a whirlwind full of FUN. The “little rascals” arrived on Thursday night, which happens to be bowling league night for Huhoney and me. Owen was VERY upset that we were not at home when they got there. He fell asleep 20 minutes before we got home. Lauren was all chatter though and would not go to bed until I tucked her in. (I love it!) All was well…..
I had to work on Friday but the family came and kidnapped me at the office at 11 am. hehehe, it worked out well! We spent the day on Friday just hanging out, went to the Mall and did a little shopping for Ryan. Each one of the rascals got something though. Papa heated up the pool because it still is in the 70’s here, but they didn’t bring their suits and maybe that was a good thing…a cold this time of year is not a good thing.
Papa looks a little grumpy in this picture doesn’t he? I just noticed that LOL, but he actually wasn’t grumpy, he was having a great time making the rascals and the rest of us yummy French Toast for breakfast, which was gobbled up….

Silly boys you can’t get them to pose they always want to make goofy faces…
Then it was off to "’Staleighs Farm’. This is a place where the kids love to go. It is a working farm and each year they turn it into a playground for the kids. A petting zoo, and rides and even a corn maze which we didn’t venture into this year. We spent a couple of hours there just letting the rascals get good and dirty.
Koltyn loved the animals and loved washing his hands too!
Owen has his very own calf so right in with the goats and sheep and other animals was not a big deal to him. Everyone loved it!
Even the big kid had to get into the picture and thought it was funny letting the (dumb) turkey’s peck at his finger….I want you all to remember this photo ok….
going down the barrel slide was a lot of fun. I thought about it, and probably should have gone done it…my cellulite would have gotten a good beating LOL.
at the bottom of the slide was a nice soft pile of corn to land into. Lauren even went down the slide…no problem, face first into the corn. It was pretty funny! (you had to have been there).
round and round on the tire horses, with Mike being the one to make it turn round and round…Owen also helped at one point and when he wasn’t helping was giving out ‘high fives’…
Yeah, you are thinking WHAT ARE THEY THINKING…this baby thinks he is much older than 18 months and will climb anything and everything….
Papa was really enjoying the kids and watching them have a great time, I just wanted to squeeze him… here is the adorable mom and dad of the adorable “little rascals”
and here is ma and pa who were having a wonderful day. The weather could not have been more perfect.
Lauren was ready to have her wrist band removed, one last sit on the teeter-totter, and then Koltyn was ready in his daddy’s arms ready to go home and take a nap. I think that daddy was ready to go home and take a nap too!
Anyway, Papa found his spot right away when returning to the homestead…..remember the picture of Papa letting the dumb turkeys peck his finger and thought it was funny…..well ya don’t do it in front of a ‘rascal’ that thinks you are his hero…because it just results in this……and it wasn’t pretty…..he was devastated…Owens’ finger was a little too tasty….
I think that is the last time that Papa and Owen will stick their fingers in a pen of really dumb turkeys……
NEXT: was the gutting of the PUMPKINS to make
Oma prepared the faces….and the rascals pulled the slimy insides out, Papa helped the rascals put gloves on, they didn’t like the feel of all the was pretty funny. The seeds were separated and Mike cleaned, salted and baked the pumpkin seeds for a crunchy snack later.
Of course I had to let little lollipop Lauren play in the “make” (make-up). She will sit for 30 minutes dolling herself up.
It was hard to get all the rascals together and sit still for a second, they were too excited to get going and collect the goods…so this is a snap shot of a quick pic before the ‘great escape’ into sugarland!
2 chickens
1 skeleton
1 puppy
and a fairy princess
The finished JACK-O-LANTERNS turned out pretty good!
This is what was left of the “chicken-man’s” feet
the material of course wore completely out in just a few blocks
And of course good-byes are always hard… here Oma, you can have some of my MEMMUMMEMS (M&m’s)
I am sure that the ride home was a total sugar high for mom and dad and the “little rascals”
Goodbye “little rascals” until next visit!
and last but not least of all my 2 darlings in NC had a great time Trick-or-treating too!
only these I had to COPY from FACE BOOK!