Today I am feeling a little frumpy. Huhoney had a difficult time recovering from our Alaskan adventure and was out of sorts for a few days. I so bravely told him I NEVER get sick. That I have a STRONG IMMUNE system and the last time I was sick with a bug was 3 years ago and it lasted 2 days. HA......he reminded me verbally at midnight when I was not in my bed but.....well you get the picture. SORRY! My tummy and I had a huge fight....but I was determined to get up and go to the office today because my boss told me yesterday, that it was "essential" that I be here because...3other people had the day off and there would only be 2 of us in the office. Hmmm what do you do when you are sick and your boss tells you to be here? Especially after being gone for 10 days....well you bring a bowl with you to work, and a blanket and a pillow and pray you don't embarress yourself in front of him. Or pray that you do so that he feels really bad! LOL Don't get me wrong, I like my boss, he looks a little like the Monopoly Man

and is a nice guy, but can be a little "bossy". Well I have made it through the day, so far, and feel like I am going to live. Huhoney went fishing this morning with a friend. If he knew I had gone to work he would be really mad at me! Well fortunately it was a very quiet day in the office, not many phone calls and not many people coming in, so all is well. I am going to take off an hour early because I didn't take a lunch hour. I am either a martyr', stupid, or a great employee (?). Which ever...thank goodness this day is almost over and I can go home and flop into Huhoney's big comfy chair with a blankie and look forward to the weekend. Hopefully I will be up to getting caught up on posting pics of our vacation in the next day or two. Thanks for popping in to check up on me. Sorry I didn't post anything really FUN today lol. Looks like this bug even got the best of Granny!