"Life isn't about waiting for the thunderstorm to pass; it's about
learning to dance in the rain"
Last week I talked about storms....well we were suppose to get a good one on Saturday but..the sky was beautiful...

I have no idea where the weatherman got 80% chance of rain, it certainly didn't come our way. Which was great...we helped some good friends out. Bob is very crafty and my sweet friend Shelley decided she wanted a wall, like I have in my home.

Mine is down my hallway. Hers is in her family room. It turned out beautiful. It was nice to be able to make my friend happy! These are shadow boxes arranged together so you can put nic-nacs or pictures in them. Bob picture frames the wall then you add more pictures in the boxes! Kinda cool! Anyway, just a great day, went to a show later with my man....oh "Wolferine" is sooooo gooooood! I just might have to go see it again.....