a small task with a nice touch...

that campfire marshmellows on yams, without a pit!
(ya know marshmellows roasting in a fire pit) well.......turn the broiler on
(you'll see what I mean)
got a laugh and had to scrape the yams clean! The fans they were spinning
round.....the doors all wide open, and fire alarm screeching
you would think that I had never cooked a
Thanksgiving turkey (or yams)! (they were still good!)
Good family and friends shared the Thanksgiving "Beast"
with a little sparkling cider, mashed potatoes, fruit salad, of course jello and ham
I tried to make it easy..............

at least it wasn't "SPAM"!
The big kids played games.....

then the planning began......for "Black Friday's" big catch...........

Then Papa and I took the kids to the park
laughter, and spinning things

climbing ropes
and slides


AND OH WHAT A SRUPRISE! Owen can ride his bike
without training wheels you know he only turned 3 in October,
and with only one or two spills and so............

Then off to the Dairy Queen for a sweet little treat.....
You all can go shopping.....but my day

now Lauren is a Oma's girl she loves to do "make"

On Sunday before heading home a stop to see Santa (not shown)

at the Western store, each on top of a saddle

Lil' cowgirls and cowboys
their such a delight

Hurry take one more picture!
Before they drove out of sight!