1 Corinthians 13
BIRTHDAY BOY! My thoughts turn to the Birthday Boy BOB who had a big one last Saturday. He hates it, doesn't want to acknowledge it but knows that it came, passed and is now history! He isn't one that likes a lot of hoopla, and fuss. Never has and never will. A quiet time together, a movie,

dinner with Brad and his family at our favorite restaurant Samuri 21. Then home for a relaxing evening.
Camille and the kids came down Sunday afternoon and Bob barbequed his famous chicken. We had another great evening with everyone.

Brad made his famous cake (to die for)! and the kids helped Papa blow out the candles and lick the frosting off the candles. We had a wonderful evening. Camille and the TTC (triple trouble crew) will be staying for a few days this week. It is fun to have all the energy around us and believe me THERE IS A LOT OF ENERGY!
Koltyn loves to help load the dishwasher