Tuesday, January 19, 2010


I thought it an honor to receive this prestigious award from a very lovely lady. The Duchess has a lot of followers. I am always impressed and delighted when she comes for a visit to my silly little blog world. Thank you Duchess for your friendship and comments. If you haven’t done so, give the Duchess a visit, http://roseteacottage.blogspot.com/you will be pleasantly surprised as how pretty and sweet her blog is. I always leave feeling like a princess! Thank you Duchess!


A PIECE OF CAKE? Thank you all so much for your wonderful comments of encouragement and warm fuzzy feelings. I got them all and felt them all! image I googled a "piece of cake" and I couldn’t believe all of the different web sites to go to! There are a lot of bakeries by this name too. One of which offered this as their cake of the month. And as it is, this is a favorite of mine! Looks yummy doesn’t it! I also googled "cake walk" and to my GREAT SURPRISE

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when you look up “cake walk” it has a whole other meaning than what I thought. TOO LONG to go into, so you will have to look it up yourself! LOL. But don’t these cakes look delicious! What I really was trying to say in the very beginning was…Thank you EVERYONE for all of your well wishes and concern in my behalf! You are ALL the best sweetest (like cake) village friends and yesterday was a piece of cake. Sweet. Nothing to it. Like having an x-ray done. I made much more out of it in my mind than I should have. The UN-KNOWN (adjective )1.not known; not within the range of one's knowledge, experience, or understanding; strange; unfamiliar. is always a BEAST image and you have to be careful not to let it get to you. I have conquered the BEAST and it no longer scares me. RADA my friend will now help me along. I have decided to not dwell on what is going on and if something should change, I will let you all know. HUGS and SMILES!