ok, ok, ok...I know, I am not one to be a bragger...but...I just can't help it! Huhoney and I were invited to go fishing with some friends on Friday July 3rd.
We haven't been fishing for a while (together), Huhoney goes a lot with his fishing buddies but it has been a while since I have gone. It has been a while since I have caught a fish. I am thinking....maybe I don't get invited much because I open my mouth and proclaim that I am the queen of fisher women. I will either catch the BIGGEST, or the FIRST fish of the day and I usually have to proclaim that when we start to fish...So...we drove a couple of hours to a lake here in Southern Utah. The drive is so beautiful. We went up Cedar Breaks above Cedar City. We were to meet our friends there who had rented a pontoon (boat) for the afternoon. We brought sandwich makings and goodies to munch on. A fishing trip isn't a fishing trip without all the JUNK food to eat. I dressed in my very snazzy fishing attire. It was a little chilly day and I was bummed because I wanted to stretch my arms and legs out and get a tan. That is what you do when you go fishing ya know. It isn't all about the FISH! But the weather was very overcast. 
The wind was blowing. Storm clouds invaded the sun. We set anchor a couple hundred feet off shore where the boat renter man told us to go (we were up at Panquitch Lake). The boat renters wife said she caught a HUGE fish that morning, so we were all excited to catch our limit. Every one got settled in. Poles were out in the water. Nothing. An hour went by. Nothing. We joked and ATE JUNK. Nothing. Not even a nibble. So after a couple of hours of NOTHING we went around the lake looking for the friends daughter who was with another friend in kayaks. After friends dad dumped daughter in the lake....it was very cold and it was accidental...trying to get daughter in the boat, more food was eaten and we decided to take the kayaks back to shore because the big black clouds were NOT giving us a break. We still had the boat for another 3 hours and decided we should go back out. So...we did. Did I mention that I either catch the FIRST or the BIGGEST fish whenever we go fishing? We dropped anchor AGAIN (3rd time) and I used some sparkle, bright green, smelly POWER BAIT. Huhoney likes to throw my line out. He feels a sense of....husband duty hood, when he does, because (he does it so much better and further than I do). I let him, because that is what I do, with a thank you and kiss. hehehe. (although I am not too bad at it when the wind isn't blowing)...anyway...I sit back. Enjoy our company. Laughing having a good ole time and BAM, MY POLE BOUNCED OFF THE SEAT and my heart just jumped out of my throat....I grabbed the ole trusty right handed pole and gave it a good SET! (YANK) I GOT A FISH I GOT A FISH I GOT A FISH, everyone was telling me not to get too excited, keep my tip up, keep reeling, keep, keep, keep, keep, OK, OK, OK, and then the MONSTER jumped out of the water....I saw a fin...I thought I had caught a SHARK! (not in these fresh waters but...) I kept my tip up and reeled that puppy in! Got it up to the boat and HUHONEY was there....with the life saving net to capture that fish. PHEW, talk about excitement. Well after my catch...everyone decided they wanted to try the bait I was trying and the spot I was in...but, too late. I had caught the daddy of BIG daddy's for the day...and we didn't get another bite! It was a good day. We documented the catch at the boat dock. 5 lb. 20 inch Rainbow Trout.

The wind was blowing. Storm clouds invaded the sun. We set anchor a couple hundred feet off shore where the boat renter man told us to go (we were up at Panquitch Lake). The boat renters wife said she caught a HUGE fish that morning, so we were all excited to catch our limit. Every one got settled in. Poles were out in the water. Nothing. An hour went by. Nothing. We joked and ATE JUNK. Nothing. Not even a nibble. So after a couple of hours of NOTHING we went around the lake looking for the friends daughter who was with another friend in kayaks. After friends dad dumped daughter in the lake....it was very cold and it was accidental...trying to get daughter in the boat, more food was eaten and we decided to take the kayaks back to shore because the big black clouds were NOT giving us a break. We still had the boat for another 3 hours and decided we should go back out. So...we did. Did I mention that I either catch the FIRST or the BIGGEST fish whenever we go fishing? We dropped anchor AGAIN (3rd time) and I used some sparkle, bright green, smelly POWER BAIT. Huhoney likes to throw my line out. He feels a sense of....husband duty hood, when he does, because (he does it so much better and further than I do). I let him, because that is what I do, with a thank you and kiss. hehehe. (although I am not too bad at it when the wind isn't blowing)...anyway...I sit back. Enjoy our company. Laughing having a good ole time and BAM, MY POLE BOUNCED OFF THE SEAT and my heart just jumped out of my throat....I grabbed the ole trusty right handed pole and gave it a good SET! (YANK) I GOT A FISH I GOT A FISH I GOT A FISH, everyone was telling me not to get too excited, keep my tip up, keep reeling, keep, keep, keep, keep, OK, OK, OK, and then the MONSTER jumped out of the water....I saw a fin...I thought I had caught a SHARK! (not in these fresh waters but...) I kept my tip up and reeled that puppy in! Got it up to the boat and HUHONEY was there....with the life saving net to capture that fish. PHEW, talk about excitement. Well after my catch...everyone decided they wanted to try the bait I was trying and the spot I was in...but, too late. I had caught the daddy of BIG daddy's for the day...and we didn't get another bite! It was a good day. We documented the catch at the boat dock. 5 lb. 20 inch Rainbow Trout.
Since this was a team effort and we actually were INVITED ON THIS TRIP everyone was invited to get in on the action!
Huhoney waited to clean this monster at home becasue he wanted to see what he had in his belly. NOT A THING. NOT ONE THING. NOT EVEN A FLY!
Huhoney and I ended our ride with a stop at Cedar Breaks over look.
It absolutely takes your breath away. I could not stop taking pictures of the sunset.
Please Huhoney I am about to have a complete anxiety attack! I asked Huhoney to PLEEZE get away from the edge. THE SIGN CLEARLY STATES to stay away from the edge. I have a horrible fear of falling from a cliff or driving off a cliffs edge. Just a fear I try and conquer but have a very hard time with. This man has NO FEARS!

Cliffs edge........
The beautiful HOODOOS http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hoodoo_(geology)are just mind boggeling! This is what I get to witness on a lazy afternoon drive only a couple hours from home.

it looks like a fairy tale rock castle
Nature is so incredible....so is God!
We stopped in at the Ranger Station before going home and listened to some Indian Folklore stories. We spotted MANY deer on the trip out of the canyon. A perfect day.