I guess I have been overwhelmed with not knowing what to blog. Yes I know, I started the Alaskan adventure thing

and then I did a couple of posts and wondered...hmmm this is silly, no one wants to see your vacation. How dumb to continually put a post together about YOUR vacation. Well, maybe I am feeling down or something...I don't know, I am not an everyday poster but I am an everyday poster reader! Maybe I am feeling sorry for myself about...something...what?? hmmm maybe after I post this I will feel better. I need to practice what I preach to my children...

YEAH, I WILL FEEL BETTER... after all...it is a beautiful day...the sun is shining, it is going to be a warm (hot) 103 degrees today in beautiful St. George and the 4th of July is almost here!

YEAAAAA a 3 day weekend to do whatever I want! Actually I do know what is bothering me...normally this time every year, I have all of my children together. My sweet daughter and her two beautiful girls always visit for 3 weeks and then my son Mike and his family come down from up North, Brad comes over with his family we have a NOISY BUSY BUSTLING HOUSE FULL OF LAUGHTER, SCREAMS, FIGHTING, CRYING, SWIMMING IN THE POOL, PARTY, CRAZY weekend! But...the daughter is not here...Mike is staying up North and doing his OWN family thing, which they so totally need to do, their home is always so busy with guests and people in and out all the time, I am honestly glad that they are taking time for themselves...and Brad...well I probably will see him and his family before his wife and children are gone to Lake Powell with her family for a week. Oh my gosh, I haven't mentioned this...Tera (son Brad's wife) is expecting baby in February. Koltyn just turned 1 in May and has only been walking for 6 weeks or so....let's hope he is out of diapers before the baby arrives! They are excited for their new arrival and we are also very excited to have our 8th grandbaby!

1. I am a people pleaser, that is not always a good thing. Huhoney thinks it sometimes gets me into spots because I always want to please and unfortunately some people like to take advantage of people pleasers.
2. I have 5 brothers and a sister. My three older brothers and I were born in Holland . These are 4 of my 5 brothers.

3. I love to crochet. When I make something (usually a baby something or other) I love to give it away. Usually it is to someone I don't even know, hoping that one of my "Huggables" will bring a smile to their face and they might remember to do something kind for someone else.
4. I don't like to cook. Never have. Probably never will. Although I can cook and I do make delicious dishes, I just never ENJOYED it.
5. I love a good book. Someone usually needs to tell me about a book before I pick it up to read it. I love books in series because it excites me to think that the story hasn't ended and then I can't wait to buy the others! (silly)
6. I adore my children. HA. I adore my grand babies. HA. No one would ever guess that of me. lol
7. I consider myself a faithful and spiritual person. I love my Savior and Father in Heaven. I am not ashamed to admit that ever. I would be nothing without them. I feel blessed every day that I am surrounded by good people and friendships that share that same love.
8. Huhoney is.....my soul mate. We met when I was 15 and he was in the Marine Corps. with my older brother, ready to be shipped out to Vietnam. I didn't know it then, but he said the minute he laid eyes on me he knew I was the one. Of course I was only 15 and...I was writing many Marines letters (because my brother had them write me)during this Era. 3 years later...we were married.
9. I was a ballet dancer.

10. I write poetry. It is an expression of my deepest thoughts. I love to read poetry. I see so much of a person through their poetry. Huhoney has told me over and over again that poetry or writing should be my career. I have considerd my journal as my book and my life....is my poetry. (you writers and journalists out there...now don't you laugh!)....
11. I love junk food. I would rather eat junk food than a healthy meal. Right now I am eating a KIT KAT. lol and will probably polish off more licorice before the day is over!
12. After my children were in their teens, I applied to become a flight attendant for 2 major airlines. In both cases I got to the final stages of the interviews....only to have my dreams (at that time) shattered and not hired.

It broke my heart. In one incident I was at the airport in Los Angeles after the final interview and a young girl who was maybe 19 or 20 was told immediately that she was hired and what the next procedure was. I sat back and listened to her crying on the phone to someone that she didn't want the job...she didn't know what to do....and I was so angry! I wanted the job, I would have been perfect for the job. After all I am a people person and pleaser, how could she take that opening away from ME! I wanted to fly and go places and be able to take my family places. My family was even willing to be relocated to another state. But...God had other plans for me and thank goodness he knew what was best. He always does.
Well that is 12 things about me!