Friendship is one of the many blessings God has given each one of us. I am so grateful for the lasting friendships that have grown with me through the years. As women, we know that true friendship is a sacred commodity. This is a relationship that is to be cherished for a lifetime. I have experienced friendships that have come and gone because of misunderstandings, differences in lifestyles, spiritual or personal growth. For whatever reasons, they have left a permanent mark on my heart of what true friendship really is.
I believe that God has given me lasting friendships of various cultures and backgrounds and I honestly say this with great humbleness.

Be you - love you! Accept your shortcomings, mistakes; accept that some people won't like you and some you don't need to be connected to anyway. For me, a quality relationship whether it is personal or professional is one based on character, excellence, and standards I set for my own life. Not perfection, but one of value that adds to my own and does not take away from who I really am.
There Is Joy In Being Your Own Best Friend. A true friend is someone who accepts you as you are, feels those fears and anxieties with you, and sees your limitations. A true friend will celebrate you, cry with you, and reason with you for your own good. I can truly say that I have a small, yet valuable set of friendships who have helped me to be the best I can be. However, I am learning to be my own best friend too, even at the age that I am! Many times I feel like I'm not where I need to be. I think of all the chapters in my life that I have already written good or bad and then I have to smile. I always find pure joy in laughing at my quirkiness, the silly things I say and do and believe me there have been many crazy times! When you become comfortable with yourself, you'll realize you don't need a crowd to feel good.

Now go and share yourself with others and begin to be a best friend to them as you are to yourself! For what it is worth you are your own best friend to begin with.
ps-thanks to all my "new" blogger friends...and your comments, they always bring a smile to my face!