Behind the huhoney. Many years ago when our children were very small my husband (Bob) the strong silent man that he is, would make a statement and always look at me and say HUHONEY? as if looking for confimation that I agreed with him. Well weather I agreed or not per say, I would agree. It just became a habit of sort and I also began to pick up on looking for confirmation to statements (especially when the children were around) so that everyone would know that mom and dad were on the same page....HUHONEY started to become a term of endearment and even know that the children are grown and we are empty nesters, HUHONEY (as I refer to him) is still very much a part of our vocabulary! So if you see me refering to HUHONEY it is the "husband", the other half of me who makes me whole!

HUHONEY and I try and keep up with a bicycle ride 2 or 3 times a week, just to keep the ole bones in shape. The town has hundreds of miles of bicycle trails, and even if you don't use the trails the roads are very bike friendly.

One ride just around the corner of our home that overlooks the little town we live in, there is a golf course (so beautiful) one of many that this area is so well known for. We went on an approximate 4 mile ride.

On our way back home, going through the golf course it was the beginning of dusk and lights of the small city were beginning to appear. The sprinklers were watering the lawns and we knew that we were going to get a little wet. It was very refreshing...other than my derrière was splattered with water from my bikes rear tire! The evening could not have been more perfect. It was a cool, slightly breezy evening. I did not want it to end! With 96 degree temperatures during the day, we revel in cool evenings when we have them! On the east side of town in the distance, on a hillside you can see the big letter "D" (look at the top of the hill in the center of the picture) which stands for "Dixie".

This town (Saint George, Utah) is known as "Dixie". I have no idea why it is that everywhere that you go in Utah, every town you pass through will mark somewhere on a hillside the letter of their town! I will start taking pictures and post them to let you all see the different letters on hillsides. For all I know it may not be weird at all; do other towns do this in other states and cities? Not all towns light their letters, but ours does. It also signifies the college here "Dixie State College", and "Dixie High School". Know that I have brought this up, I am going to do a little more research as to why we do this!
So...I want you all to know (my wonderful blog-buddies) I am alive and well and will be enjoying a 7 day ALASKAN cruise with my son and his family. We will spend 2 days in beautiful Seattle WA seeing sights there. I will not be looking at any internet or answering any phones for 10 days. Just enjoying the beauty of God's world in another part, other than my own! I am sure that I will have a gazillion pictures when I return on the 15th of June. My dilemma then will be what pictures to post and hours of catching up to do reading all my favorite blog-buddies posts. So until the safe my friends!

HUHONEY has a hard time keeping his peepers open for pictures...I guess the flash is too much! hehehehe
I am SO EXCITED! hugs to everyone......
oh tiny, tiny, tiny garden,

(of which consists of zuchinni plants, 2 tomatoe plants and some strawberries) I am sure when we return we will have sprouts of zuchinni as they have begun to bloom! This is NO comparison (which I covet my blogger buddies gardens)to freshly plowed dirt, and weeds and endless rows of yummy carrots and other veggies (we use to do the HUGE garden when we had an acre of land to play in) this will have to do .... lol