Dont' you just love Christmas lights! No....this isn't my house, but it could be!

Now although my house isn't Griswald trimmed this year I did manage to place a little tree on a table....I didn't want the grandkids to think I was a Scrooge or anything!

I have improvised with decorating my office instead, because that is where I spend most of my precious time

Lauren is obsessed with "Tinkerbell" and got sheet and a new "Tink" pillow
This year Papa won't be able to get away with being the fully dressed Santa....
The kids would know for certain this year it was Papa!
Let me tell you know, take all those expensive gifts back....and buy stuff that is 5 bucks or less because they love that more than the expensive gifts! Or even better yet, find some toys they have completely forgotten about and wrap them up again! hehehehe NO...Nataile, Mike, and Brad....I HAVEN'T DONE THAT ARE YOU KIDDING! just sounds like it would work though!
The Texas Long Horn Bull and the Ranch Horse ($5bucks) were a huge hit!

This trip for me was a 24 hour turn around and I didn't get to spend as much time as I would have liked to, but the kids were OHHHH so cute....including my big kid, thanks Mikie for posing with your mama! I love ya!
And I love this big guy to my "sparkie" (oh too much information here hehe)
YES, it SNOWS in St. George.....not like you can catch a snow flake on your tongue
but you can on your hair!
Until next post......LIGHTS OUT! (this pic was taken during the last full moon when the moon was at it's closest radius to the earth since 1993. It was huge and beautiful)