Thursday, September 30, 2010

Second Chance – we all deserve one

OK, I am embarrassed to say the least!  I have the nicest friends ever here in blog land and I have completely neglected you all!  3 weeks folks, yep I just looked at the calendar….it has been 3 weeks since “Breaking Ties”.  I read your posts every day and then I actually “plan” on posting but, by the time I leave my office I don’t even look at my computer.  Any posting is done here at work….(don’t tell).

Yep and although I lead a very boring life….hehehe…once in a while REALLY EXCITING THINGS HAPPEN, (now this is getting desperate) but it did happen!

Because I have a horrible memory, documenting (or posting) has been very helpful.  This is something though that posting about you will think I have completely lost control. 

And I have.

I don’t even remember where we were or what we had done before…but we came home from somewhere…hehehe…on a Saturday not many Saturday’s ago and Huh-honey went out back, like he always does just to do “stuff” and right by our back door he had put a little sticky trap thing, to catch those dang nab cricket and roaches that like to creep into the house when your not looking….and he exclaimed “OH DEAR, OH NO, OH DEAR” well maybe he didn’t say those exact words and he noticed a very long tail…coming out of the sticky pad thing.

NO!  OUR BUDDY, my 7:00 pm lizard watch….was trapped!  NO!  How sad!  was he dead?  Could he be saved? He was totally enticed by the dead trapped bugs in the sticky and “fell” for it himself!  That was NOT the plan.  I loved watching this lizard.  We could count on him and another little guy, (he probably ate) every night at the same time creep around the yard, up the brick wall and over the top or run up the wall of the house and disappear.

So….the RESCUE BEGAN!  A second chance in life.  We all deserve one don’t we?  Well Huh-honey thought he did…


lizard rescue 001

I actually jumped on the chair at this point because I thought he would jump on me, this lizard was not a happy camper.  Still breathing and probably thinking, GREAT, now what to I do?lizard rescue 002


carefully lift tail, so that you don’t pull it off, hope you don’t pull it off.



lizard rescue 004

begin placing pink sticky note pads sticky side down on sticky paper of course (or color you prefer) under lifted lizard parts, onto the sticky pad…


lizard rescue 009

keep lifting (with butter knife) and placing paper under “Lucky Lizard” and watch him squirm because he doesn’t trust Huh-honey won’t just give up…”Lucky” was very traumatized at this point.

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Almost done….PHEW!




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Hang on there buddy, I mean “Lucky” (had to name him at this point).  Lucky was scrambling to run at this point…


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“The release”!



He ran so fast I couldn’t snap the pics in time and of course I was yelling and excited… (pretty sad huh LOL)

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Lucky ran behind the trays and up the wall.




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(not real time on the clock…)




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Poor Lucky was so traumatized after all of this he stayed in the same spot until after we went to bed!


Have we seen him since?  YES SIR-EEEE, it was a few days later and I thought he went off and had a heart-attack or something but he is very much alive and well and visits often.  Yes it was around 7:00 pm that he climbed the wall by the clock and did his little head bobbing thing, sort of nodding to me….tell me thanks Lady and Mr. for GIVING ME A SECOND CHANCE.


I promise the next post won’t be 3 weeks in the wait, I have so much to tell you all about the garage sale we had and….2 days later the water heater going out on us and boy that’s a story!

hugs and smiles everyone!


Pat said...

Whew! You had me on the edge of my seat waiting to see if Lucky would make it!
I say Lucky is a perfect name for him, and hubby did an awesome job of freeing him, he must have very steady hands!
I'm glad it was a happy ending for all, even if Lucky was a tad traumatized!! LOL!

Librarian said...

Thumbs up for Lucky Lizard and his noble rescuers!!!

Some years ago when we were at my mother-in-law's in England for our holiday, my husband was giving the garden shed a fresh lick of wood stain. When he had finished for the day, he put the brush in an open plastic container with water to get the wood stain out of the brush, and we went in for dinner.

After dinner, we came back out in the garden and discovered that a little frog had jumped into the container, mistaking it for clean water. The poor thing had gotten itself full of wood stain that had dissolved into the water from the brush. Its tongue was swollen and huge and my husband said it is going to die very painfully, and he thought about killing it quickly by smashing it with a brick. I wouldn't have it, and was determined to at least try and rescue the poor little frog.

So I took a different container with clean water and carefully put the frog in it and kept replacing the water and "rinsing" the frog every few minutes, and made my husband promise that he would not kill the frog, even if it seemed like doing an act of mercy to stop the agony the poor thing must have been in.

I kept rinsing and washing the frog, and when it was really late at night and I had to go to bed, I left it with more fresh water.

First thing I did next morning was to check on the frog - and it was fine!!! Its tongue was back to normal size, and it was happily (at least I hope it was happy) paddling about in the water!

I made sure my mother-in-law's cats were not around, took the frog outside in the garden and released it to what I hope was a long and happy frog's life.

gail@My Repurposed Life said...

wow! That was an ordeal! What patience your man has! way to go.


Terrie said...

That's funny. Did I tell you about the time Brent put out a sticky pad to catch mice and when he found one it was still alive and his heart broke so he pulled it off the stick pad and let him go...into the neighbor's yard, of course.
Love ya

Wanda..... said...

What a tale, Linda...I'm glad it was a lizard and not a snake.

Bernie said...

I'm not sure I would of been as nice or as patient as you and your honey but I am happy all worked out well. Have a great weekend
.....:-) Hugs

shabby girl said...

Oh Linda! I LOVE a happy ending! Not all rescues turn out so well.
I'm also happy you're back! :)

Sniffles and Smiles said...

I LOVE THIS!!!!!! A second chance!!! Wonderful!!! An inspiration for life in a seemingly random event!!! Thank you, Linda AND Lucky!!! Love you, Janine XO

Barb said...

What a Lucky Lizard to end up in Lindalu and Huhoney's home! You will be repaid in lizard karma, I'm sure. I'm in NM writing to you - in Santa Fe after being in Albuquerque several days. We're in an historic old hotel by the piazza. This is the first I've had internet in days - thought I'd see if you posted! Hope all is well with you and Lucky!

Penny said...

Ahhhh, that is a great story! Lucky is a good name for all of you at your house! It's just a real lucky way of life you lead!

Sniffles and Smiles said...

Just checking in on my dear friend!!! Love you! Janine XO

Diana said...

I love your lizard story Linda. It's funny how we can become "ATTACHED" to such little critters! I was so happy that he was rescued. You and Huh-honey are heroes!!
Love Di ♥

Jackie said...

Linda...Linda!! You and lizards...reminds me of Diana and toady frogs. Love all of nature!!
I smile!! I also smile to see that I'm not the only one that has neglected to read blogs and post. I'm guilty. I'll serve time with you, sister girl. How's that?
It's good to see read about the great rescue. Love the photos, too!!
Love and hugs,