When our grand daughter Madi was 7, Huhoney and I took a trip to Maryland to babysit while her mommy and daddy went on a cruise. So we decided to take a trip to Virginia and a historic town, we knew it was a 4 hour trip each way but we were up to the beautiful scenic drive. I decided in order to keep this 7 year old entertained I would make up a story along the way, using a note pad, pencil, and lots of imagination. The only rule was, we had to use the alphabet, and we couldn’t skip around the alphabet it had to be done in order. We could use any road sign or billboard we saw. This is what we came up with, and a few of you may find it amusing because you may recognize some words.
(A)-Auto, air (B)-barber, Bud’s creek, Bowling, (C)-city, Capt. Billy’s, Crab, Cakes (D)-detour, (E)-education, (F)-friendship, fairgournd, (G)-green, golf, gateway, (H)-Hamilton, Horne’s, (I)-ice, (J)-jewlers, (K)-kisses, koolaid, (L)-Lorendo’s, land, (M)-moose, miles, (N)-not, next, (O)-old, off, (P)-Popey’s, playmate, point, (Q)-quality, (R)-rips, (S)-speed, sale, stagecoach, south, side, sheriff, (T)-town, twizzlers, thunderbird, Tarzan (U)-unusual, (V)-Verizon, (W)-Waldorf, way warning, welcome, (X)-x-tra, Y-yield, (Z)-zebra.
Now that you have the alphabet and the words that were gathered along the way, and believe me…it took 4 hours to get all of these words, we would go miles and miles sometimes without seeing a billboard or sign and especially when the next letter was an X or Q! Even Papa got involved and sometimes all 3 of us would shout out a word, hence the letters with more than one word….
Bare with me on this ok……….this is fun……………here is the story…
ROAD TRIP TO ADVENTURE (one silly story)
As we were driving along Poppy noticed the auto air on. “Oh my goodness” said Poppy, “We have to go the BARBER
over at BUD’S Creek BOWLING,
but before we get to the CITY CAPTAIN Billy’s crab cakes are going to set us back to a DETOUR! But don’t worry” said Poppy, “because we are getting an EDUCATION as soon as we go through the ENTRANCE. I am sure we will see lot’s of FRIENDSHIP along the way, as we pass by the FAIRGROUNDS”. We saw GREEN grass and people playing GOLF over by the GATEWAY. Mr. HAMILTON had big HORN’S on his head. We also saw ICE on the road. The JEWELERS market had many rings Grammy wanted to buy, but Poppy said, “Grammy your KISSES
are as sweet as KOOL-AID so you don’t need any more rings until we reach LORENDO’S LAND.” Madison said “look there is a MOOSE
driving a car for MILES. I think he is going to turn on the NEXT street NOT” she couldn’t believe her EYES! “Oh your so OLD Poppy, you’re OFF to see the Wizard of Oz.” Did you know that POPEY’S girlfriend Olive Oil was his PLAYMATE, even though that makes no POINT to this story. You should also be aware that the QUALITY of this story RIPS through the SPEED of light and if we can find a SALE near a STAGECOACH
crossing we night end up SOUTH at the SIDE of a SHERIFF’S office in the town of TWIZZLERS near THUNDERBIRDS where TARZAN lives! Did you know that unusually VERIZON sunsets are where the WALDORF WAY WARNING WELCOMES X-TRA yields of ZEBRAS?
THE END (to this silly story)
have a fun safe weekend!
Heehee! Love it, Linda. &:o))
Lindalu this is a clever (and educational) way to spend fun time traveling with the kids....and a wonderful story woven with the words, too!
Yes, you would have drooled if you'd been with me when I took the photos...but what fun...and easy on the eyes! (I wore sunglasses!!)
Hi Linda, I also play the alphabet game while traveling with the grandchildren, but we have never written a story with the words. How fun! Have a great weekend!
Very inventive way to keep a child from getting bored on a long trip. Most likely made the time go by fast toonot to mention the great story and memory it made!
We always made up games when we took car trips but this one is really cute and lots of fun....I hope to have the opportunity to play this game with my nieces some time, they would love it.....Hugs
I love your sillyness! I could see how this could occupy a fair amount of time.
I may have to do this by myself on my next long trip! LOL!
You have a good imagination Linda. It's a great gift to share with your grandchildren. Love Di ♥
This is great! And we are planning a long road trip to Disney World in the Fall, so I hope I remember this for Jayden!
Thanks for sharing this, Linda! You always have such great ideas! So creative!
Love to you,
What a fun thing to do to keep the kids entertained!
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