Where has it gone?

I was just a young girl of 15 at the time. My brother was in Boot Camp in Camp Pendleton in California. He was going to be a Marine. It was a very scary time for everyone. We knew he was going to go to war. My mother cried a lot. I remember getting a letter from my brother Ron, and he asked me if I would please write some Marines? They had seen a picture of me and wanted to write to me. Who me? Why? But my answer was yes. I would write these Marines how ever many there were. One of which was Bob Higgins.

He was a friend of my brothers, so he had to be a nice guy. The letter I still have, among a few others from other Marines. My folks decided that we would go and see my brother after boot camp, before he was shipped out to Viet Nam. Could Bob spend some time with us too? was the question asked. Sure...we would be in CA for a few days, Bob could spend some time with our family, it would give my brother a buddy. So there it began. The "love story".
We picked up my brother and were to meet Bob at a bus stop. Yes, as he got off the bus, he was this tall skinny Marine with a grin from ear to ear. Big ole dimples and so shy! A shy Marine! HA! We had a station wagon. He slipped into the back seat next to me. He just said "hi" and smiled. I was 15! So this was the Marine I was writing. He is OLD! was my thinking. I was about to enter High School. He was nice enough I guess. He actually lived only 30 minutes or so from where we lived in SLC. He even had a couple of sisters, one was only a year older than me. This couldn't be so bad. We had a fun time together (the family and Bob) and the morning we were to leave and go home we went to eat breakfast somewhere (probably Dennys). Of course I got to sit in the booth with my brother and his friend. I adored my brother. He was so handsome and I knew I was his sweetheart. Bob and my brother got up from the table, and went and got a cigar from the check out counter. It didn't matter how old you were, they were Marines! They came back to the table and I will never forget what happened next. With a sweet as pie smile and blushing beet red this Marine (Bob) slide the cigar band from the cigar and handed it to me.

I just looked at him like a silly 15 year old would and thought?????? and he politely told me to hang on to it until he got back from Viet Nam. I remember smiling back at this ... man and blushed myself. I actually put the band on my finger and for years kept it in a safe place. A lot happened in the next 3 years. I was in High School and dated the football jock, and a few others, but always wrote this Marine and many others while they were serving their country. Some of which didn't write back. They didn't make it home either. Their letters I still have tucked away. But one Marine hung in there. He believed in us. I found out later that he told my brother after we left that restaurant that he was going to marry me. Well, on August 2nd 1970 the summer out of high school, I married that Marine,

and 39 years later we are still going strong. Yeah, this is a love story. One I have written many, many poems about.

It hasn't been all roses, maybe that is why I love roses so much. They just seem to symbolize our love and devotion to each other. He never fails to show me his love or give me roses. We had dinner at our favorite restaurant Samauri 21

and enjoyed some chocolate fudge cake that Brooklyn insisted on getting for us. SWEET. Yes, my life is SWEET. We had a good day. The card and roses he gave me (2 dozen red long stemmed roses) was perfect. I usually write something to him. This time I stayed up until 2 am writing. Good thing I didn't have to go to work the next day! It may not be the typical poem but I will share with you because it is Wordful Wednesday.
This is my poetry:
August 2, 2009
In the early morning hours I close my eyes and think back to a time long ago.
A time when we were young and our hearts were tender and so innocent. I think back when we first met, and the silly little girl that I was. I remember seeing someone so shy and a young man so brave and full of courage. I had no idea at the time where my life would take me. Nor did I know where your life would take you.
In the early morning hours I close my eyes and think back to a time long ago.
You said you knew that I as the one; that we were meant to be together. Our hearts were tender and so innocent. I am so happy that you followed your dreams; that you showed me what true love really was. Everything you went through and endured, to come home to me and prove beyond any doubt, that rainbows and dreams do exists, but you have to believe in love.
In the early morning hours I close my eyes and think back to a time long ago.
To a time when you asked me to marry you. Your strong arms would hold me tight and promise me the world. I believed you would make that happen. A time when we were young and our hearts were tender and so innocent. How blessed we were to with stand the test of life and time. Together we conquered, what ever came our way. We endured without end.
In the early morning hours I close my eyes and think back to a time not so long ago.
I looked into your eyes and knew without a shadow of a doubt that I would stand by your side no matter what life had to offer. Our hearts were tender and we knew innocence but forgave it. You showed me the world. You brought me to a place of no return and promised me eternity.
In the early morning hours I close my eyes and think back to today.
A time when we were not so young and our hearts are still tender but wise. All the memories we share, the laughter and tears of all our 39 years. I wouldn’t want it any other way.
As I close my eyes and feel you lying next to me in sleep, I am comforted knowing that when I wake in the morning you will always be there for me.

Thank you for always believing in us.
Forever and always
Your lulu