It just happens. It sometimes brings you up and sometimes brings you down. I think I have let it bring me down a lot lately. Great way to start off the new year right?
Then I kick myself, scold myself, tell myself to get up off my be-hind and stop feeling sorry for myself. Lot’s of memes in here huh?….yeah, too many memes.
I have to much to be thankful for….
Warm house, loving hubby, beautiful grandies
I need to do something for someone else. Service work. It would help a lot.
In reality, I am a pretty funny gal. I can make other people laugh, and I mean belly laugh. But when I need it the most, it just isn’t there for meme.
We have had beautiful weather here. I have not taken advantage of it. But I will. Soon.
Wow talk about DEBBIE DOWNER! now that makes me laugh because SNL has some seriously funny Debbie Downer clips. That make me laugh.
Hmm I think once I get this post done..because I have procrastinated it for so long, I will feel much better. I have an obligation to do these posts to myself for myself and my posterity. Wow another bunch of memes.
January BLAHBLAHBLAH really??? I don’t even remember what happened in January… my DIL had a birthday.
February, Kinlee (youngest grandie) had a BD on the 8th, this girl can eat cake just like her Oma…we love cake!
I had one on the 9th, I have eaten lots of cake. Now that’s funny because I can feel the cake in every single pair of pants I have in my closet. Nope that’s NOT FUNNY LOL. and while I am complaining about this very thing I am eating a mounds candy bar! YUM
Madison, my oldest grandie got her braces off! She is so beautiful….
There is a lot of construction going on here in town and making it very miserable to commute my normal 12 minutes to work, turning it into more like 20 minutes. When will it ever get done already!????
Plus a bazillion people are in town for the very well known “Parade of Homes”. I will go and see a few this weekend when it will finally be over! people this is insane and crazy! Especially the last few years with economy and all people are still building BIG HUGE and expensive houses. Right in this town! 5, 10, 15 minutes away. You would not believe the new communities that are being built and still houses that belong to the bank, unoccupied! It kind of makes me sick…is this happening in your town as well?
The world famous “Iron Man”
is also going to come back to St. George! And we moved here 9 years ago, trying to get away from all the hoop-la….yeah right. St. George is the perfect location in May for this sort of competition I guess. I could never do it. Maybe the world famous Huntsman Senior Games. I could do that I suppose….that is in Oct. I would really have to start getting in shape and not have the memes hanging over me lol. I mean honestly this is a really big deal. It brings people from all over the world to this desert town.
OH YEAH and BTW, for not having much to say….I am going a little overboard AGAIN. Feel free to stop reading at any time. This has been actually very therapeutic for me! And if you decide to be in the Ironman competition or the Huntsman Senior games and can’t find a hotel room, I have 2 guests rooms! It would be my service project to make me feel really good….just another meme. (I have heard that people actually rent their homes out during these occasions and they themselves leave town!)
It weighs about 5000 pounds. It isn’t a bench I would cozy up on to read a book, it was made as a filler for my front patio. Little does he know…I have plans for him to make maybe a table to go with it. He loves doing projects like this. Remember the bird houses? They are made from the same cedar fencing.
He is so creative, not one bird house is the same. He has made 15 or so. Given many away as gifts, and maybe if we have a spring garage sale we can sell a few.
Remember the cement wall project last summer. Well this planter box was absolutely beautiful last year filled with lots of flowers and greenery. We just were not sure how we wanted to finish the wall. Then as luck would have it….we we able to acquire some stone. FOR FREE! we are saving about $1500 as it sells for about $10 a square foot!
He is laying it all out to see how it will fit on the wall. I think it will be very nice when it is done.
It is time to pick up some flowers…I missed the bulbs AGAIN, so I will have to just end up spending lots for perennials again. Bulbs are only around for a couple of weeks here then snatched up quickly in gardening centers. DARN!
Thanks for stopping by. I feel so much better I got this over with. I hope I don’t wait another MONTH to post. I guess I do have a lot more to say than I thought. I snapped this a couple of weeks ago when I was on my way home from work…sunsets in the desert can be beautiful at times. They change so quickly, so you have to be FAST.
below is minutes before just opposite direction overlooking the city of St. George.
oh yeah….forgot one little teeny tiny thing… it was Valentines Day this month and this is the very first box of chocolates Huh-Honey has ever given me….we laughed about it because we both don’t ever remember ever giving each other chocolates before…and guess what? I think I ate almost every single one in this box. They were yummy. The sweet note said I was his everything.
Wow and I was having memes at the beginning of this post….I am feeling much better now. :)
This is my 60 year old meme pic.
come to think of it…it feels good to be me.