Friday, February 25, 2011

10 things I know for sure…..

1.  That another year has passed by so quickly I am afraid to blink or I will miss something.

2.  I have green eyes, and I mean green eyes, not sort of green orDSCN7682a hazel or blueish or brown but very green eyes….all the time.  

3.  I am a chameleon.  I change my hair and looks like I change my clothes.  Here are a few examples how I morphed over the year.




4.  I am another year older and so is everyone else around me.  Kinlee’s BD is the day before mine, thank goodness for that, so I won’t ever forget it! feb 2011a 004

5.  It has been a cold winter for me and I have hated every single minute of it, other than the smell of rain which I love.  This I know for sure.

6.  I managed to get through last year!  It was a test, probably the toughest one I have ever taken, but I managed and I passed!  I passed the year mark of that radiation treatment.  That seems like yesterday…..but it was a whole year ago this month.

7.  Taking a pill for this and a pill for that really sucks.  I mean, it really does, and this I know for sure, I will never get use to it.

8.  Having a bladder infection is not fun, especially if you have had it for over a month and antibiotics are rough on the stomach (TMI???) sorry.

9.  I am not usually lost for words.  But lately, I have been…what’s up with that?

10.  I love my family.  I think…..that they think (shouldn’t think for others but I do) that I ramble too much, but if they haven’t figured out that that will probably never change…then “that’s too bad”, because I will always ramble, always talk to much, always smooch too much and always, always love too much.  Nah, you just can’t love too much…..

11.   I am a procrastinator and that will probably never change. I cheated and put down 11 things because some day's are like that and you just have to add a little.

So there you have it.  I am not going to promise that I will post in 3 days, or next week.  Hopefully I won’t procrastinate again and just do it.  Post I mean.  I don’t want to be  a liar, so that is why.

And this I know for sure…………….I am so glad I got this post done! LOL have a wonderful weekend everyone!  Thanks for the kick in the pants sweet Lucinda!

Hugs and smiles across the miles!

PHEW! that’s a whole lot of meme’s for not having much to say!

PS (for those of you who are kissin and huggin and smoochin on your grandies and cooking up a storm of food (you know who you are…..)this weekend, I am jealous.  I better go visit Kinlee, Kolytn and Kyler….

Thursday, February 3, 2011


Well here it is, another week has gone by and by golly I am going to do it, even if it means that I am just going to ramble.

A couple of weeks ago the moon was so bright and beautiful so I grabbed my little Nikon CoolPix and took a couple of pictures of the moon.  For some reason this little camera takes better pics at night than my really expensive Nikon does (because I don’t know how to use the settings).

DSCN7568 I thought it was so intriguing that the moon was stuck in the branches of the tree….


My son Mike found this little fella (hawk) in his chicken coop so he scooped  him up and brought him in the house for the children to see…..




Then he let him “fly”.  He was just a baby…probably thought he could either disguise himself as a chicken, or maybe wanted to see if he could have an egg or two for his dinner….




Koltyn (age 2 yrs 10 mo.) sits on his daddy’s lap and listens intently as he is told a story….the sucker(s) helps him to sit still and listen….well for a minute anyway…





Kinlee will be having a BD on Feb 8th and will be turning 1 yr.  I think it will be a while before she gets any hair…but that’s ok because…







those kissy checks and her snugglyness makes up for any hair loss…. Kinlee is the most snuggly baby EVER





Kinlee takes it all in when she is in her Papa’s arms.  She doesn’t mind his beard, and loves it when he kisses her neck.  It is a great place to take a nap…in his arms…in his rocking chair….


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Your asking why am I showing you a picture of 5 gallon buckets of rocks…well each bucket has certain rocks in it taken from certain places that are getting a make over


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it is just NOT RIGHT to mix up the rocks… Huh-Honey has cut out some concrete so that we can plant shrubs or flowers along this ugly back wall, it will  be green and lush and pretty this fall…


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This ugly wall is the back wall next to our pool.  We have always hated it, we have tried to put pots and plants on it but it is still ugly…so we are going to do something  different…


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It has been a huge project for Huh-Honey but he has busted out every brick and stacked them so that he can take them to our son to build a fire pit with them…


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he tries not to waste anything…these bricks were expensive so now they can serve another purpose…



Huh-Honey has been busy…he built our neighbor a beautiful bookcase

as for me…I decided to do something a little sassy, daring, edgy, something that is completely out of my comfort zone.  Don’t know why I did it…just did it and it has been fun so see the reaction of “people” or I should say NO REACTION, and I see a LOT of people every day….so maybe it wasn’t something that compliments me…but…I don’t care….Huh-honey likes it and I do to….hehehehehe for a while anyway.


this is me before…

it was pretty much all one length, and boring





excluding the blood shot eyes from staring at the computer all day long, it is very layered..blunt, edgy and has some STRIPES in it LOL, maybe the gray will grow in more gracefully……



ah who am I kidding, gray NEVER grows in gracefully!…….it must look really bad or shocking to some, because you know how if you like something new on someone you will usually tell them you like it?  Even if I don’t like it I will tell them I like it just to make them feel good even if they really look WEIRD, because I am a NICE person and want to make people feel GOOD…… Well….LOL not happening folks….so it really must look weird…….


Hugs and smiles everyone….because I am SMILING!  Even if I look WEIRD…