We live in a very beautiful part of the country. Southern Utah has so much to offer with it’s beautiful canyons and National Parks. Right here under our very own nose, it never ceases to amaze me how pretty the red rocks are. It is just a different kind of beauty. Now mind you…..we moved here from the totally different Wasatch Front where Huh-Honey and I grew up with all the snow, huge gigantor mountains and cold, cold winters, 7 1/2 years ago and never once have we been to this wonderful little area although driven by it probably hundreds of times! Just never stopped to take in the total beauty and actually get our fanny out of the car and hike around! So…on a lazy Sunday afternoon and beautiful cool finally FALL weather, we did just that!
I said “Hmm, let’s take the walk”…you see at the top of this rock, yes I said at the top VERY TOP you can actually climb up the rock and stand on top to view the city… so we did…
First we had to climb up to this bridge…
after walking on these sorts of fun trails before I actually stood under…
THIS…. this climb onto the actual rock took a little effort on my part, I didn’t realize how much strength you need in your legs…which I don’t have anymore but I am working on getting back by walking and biking, ahh I forgot to take a pic of the rock stairs which were steep…
Climbing the rock stairs, we stood at the top and turned around to see THIS
And THIS parking lot below us and then in front of us…..I looked to see what I was going to cross over…
It was a little intimidating….but I just had to do it. I am a scaredy-cat. Spell check does not like this word but I promise you it is a word I use often when close to the edge of ANY height! I mean, I can start to panic….but I always try and conquer this fear…even if I panic or cry like a baby…I just do….
Ah the beautiful valley below. We finally made it to the top!
LOL I made him, well he actually volunteered to carry the tri-pod, even my camera bag..LOL what a guy! CRAZY me because we didn’t use the pod until we were almost back to the car!
It really is a pretty view from the top. This is such a nice town, clean and pretty and…growing. St. George was ranked one of the top 10 places to retire to in the country.
Young and old(er) people are populating this beautiful part of our nation because of the warmth and scenery. It is what drew us here.
see this crack…see the road below at the top of the picture…well should we have a really big quake here in St. George…which could possible happen since we live in “quake” land this big rock….boulder…will be coming down. I do NOT want to be on the road when that happens!
there were MANY COOL holes in the rocks, too many to snap photos of, but I gave it a good try anyway…
of course Huh-Honey said, “this is the way back to the car” of course I didn’t think so, I didn’t remember walking past…..these..
or through this tiny little gulley….
HA HA, I was right when we came to the edge of a steep drop off at the end of this little trail….hehehehe, I am so glad I had my camera Huh-Honey was a good sport…I think he did it on purpose though just to see my reaction…
Ah Ha! we finally made it almost to the bottom again…this is what he carried the tri-pod for LOL just so I could take our picture….

I think I got some amazing photos don’t you?
I love the contrast of the red rock and the green…fern. The pavilion is so beautiful, ready for a great family party with a fire pit and B B Q grates in place.
The “D” stands for Dixie State College and of course St. George is know as Dixie. The first settlers (Pioneers) came here and grew cotton believe it or not! go to this site for some great history on this beautiful city, http://www.utahsdixie.com/saint_george.html
This is a beautiful city and even though it is getting a little crowded…by my standards, I have to welcome the growth, because almost 8 years ago I was one of them (the outsider moving in). I don’t think I will be moving up North into the COLD anytime soon. I live somewhere in the middle top of this picture. About 7 or 8 miles from where I was standing. You would love visiting here, there is lots to see! I can’t believe I waited this long to visit this park at the top of St. George!
Hugs and smiles across the many miles my friends!