Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Enjoy, we all need a little bit of this at such a busy time of year!
Friday, November 9, 2012
Yesterday I took a walk over at the park. I decided it would be better to walk during lunch than it would be to go and eat something unhealthy. Not that I am much of a health nut because I am not. But I am always up for a little serenity in my life. The park does it to me. A place called “The Garden” is always kept so pristine.
Colors were vivid in the garden.
I was the only one there.

I found a beautifully carved metal box at the entrance of the park which held information about the park and the different vegetation.
Then I found serenity
and I stopped to reflect on what I have to be thankful for
Only a few hundred feet from the park along the walkway it opened up into the local cemetery. The colors were even more vibrant. I walked along the path and saw many names that meant nothing to me but had a lot of meaning for someone else. It took my breath away and I knew that in a few more weeks this same place will be adorned with colors of Christmas. I will want to come back.
As I was leaving the sun broke through the clouds for just an instant and I took a deep breath.
The day was unusually warm. The sky was dark and very cloudy and on my way home I was chasing the storm.
As soon as I walked in the door, the love of my life greeted me with a big hug and smile and asked how my day had gone. It just can’t get any better than that. No matter what storm I was chasing…or what my day had been like, I knew I had come home to serenity.
My strong sweetheart is healing. Not as quickly as he would like, but he is healing.
I am grateful for his calm serenity. All the storms he has faced and trials he has gone through; he is such an inspiration to me. He is a man of honor, integrity and courage.
He is my serenity
Monday, November 5, 2012
Here I am
It has been brought to my attention…that I have been neglecting my blog. Not only have a few friends noticed but one of my 3 children mentioned it to me. Yes, I haven’t been blogging. I don’t have a very good reason, just that I haven’t been. Summer came and went, then came back again. Yes the weather in my part of the country is warm VERY WARM. I was all ready to pull out what few items of winter clothing I had and had to put them back up on the shelf! I took some amazing photos of my Northern grandies in August. I will share a few of those photos and also a few fun facts about Thanksgiving….which I didn’t know! These little turkeys will be visiting for Thanksgiving this year. We will have a house full…I like it that way….
For some reason Lauren was so serious this little photo session, I think she was modeling for me LOL
There are many of her but these were a couple of my favorites.
Owen also had a serious side during this photo session
Pure sweetness!
It is hard for Ryan to sit still long enough for me to take his picture so I am thankful for anything I can get!
Well have you all had enough? Well don’t fret….they is a lot more to come….just not today!
This one is for you BARB! LOL
Thanksgiving Fun Facts
Fun Facts about the First Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving Facts throughout History
Fun Facts about Thanksgiving Today
Fun Turkey Facts