Yeah, anything but that monster face staring at you when you open up this post!
I didn’t receive any pictures except this one of the “little rascals” for Halloween, it shows their true characters LOL I love that Ryan was a hotdog!
I honestly don’t know what is on that plate and I forgot to ask…but whatever it is…it looks really gross!, I think the eye glasses were just a part of the party they attended and not part of their costumes…lol
1500 miles away Brooklyn dressed like this, a “bat princess”
where are the days of the “Little Mermaid”???????
then there was a cute little lady bug
a dragon
and a……I really don’t know what he was….I am just not into the “new stuff” I guess.
Plus…Halloween is for kids right?
I didn’t mention I went to Palm Springs a couple of weekends ago. We went with some friends who has a son playing college football. He is very good and has had numerous offerings from colleges for full scholarship rides. Now he has to decided which one to take.
It was a very quick weekend, we drove. It was a 6 or 7 hour ride. We stayed in a nice resort timeshare place in Palm Springs.
You can tell I was relaxing. The background was like a postcard honestly, and the weather was perfect.
You think of Palm Springs and you think of the 70’s and Bob Hope Classic golf tournament and all the movie stars because even though it was the desert that is where they hung out. It was the “Hot” place to be and be seen.
Yes there are lots of palm trees. and lots of windmills out in the desert which pictures I took with my little camera and a moving pace of 80 MPH. When you are not the driver….it is hard to say “STOP” I want a picture of the windmills! Many people don’t understand my obsession with the camera.
These windmills are so big and they look like some kind of a space ship when you get real close. They are incredible.
This is my friend and her son.
This is the house that Elvis and Pricilla Presley had there honeymoon in! It says so right on this plaque in front of the house! I even walked right up to the front door..and took a picture. We didn’t knock because someone lives in the house and they are not anyone famous. It is just an ordinary house at the end of a cul-de-sac.
(cul-de-sac a street, lane, etc., closed at one end; blind alley; dead-end street.)
In it’s day…It must have been a very expensive and beautiful home! Just think…Elvis was here!
That was pretty much our tour of Palm Springs, we had to get home and our driver wasn’t into sight seeing….lol but like I said, there were lot’s of Palm Trees in Palm Springs! An Oasis in the middle of the desert in CA!
And on another note…Thanksgiving is coming up in a couple of weeks! I look forward to the 4 day weekend. Not so much the cooking and clean-up of dinner but the 4 days off of my regular work routine!
I am sure I will do a little something on how thankful I am…because I really am…. Thankful