lot’s has been going on again. I thought I had a boring life. But I don’t.
Last trip up North was Ryan BD party. Of course Camille made an amazing cake for Ryan…
Ryan loved it!
He couldn’t wait to blow out the crazy candles…

He huffedand puffedand
all out!
can you believe how grown up Owen and Lauren look! ARGH!
I was challenged….but stuck to my project…that took me well much longer to assemble than I would like to admit. Lauren helped me…
It was not an easy task…but we finished. I hate to admit defeat, especially when it comes to a silly little project like building something a child can put together in minutes….but takes me …well a long time…let’s say longer than an hour hehehe
Ryan was happy to just to kick back and play some games on his moms computer…he is extremely and I am not saying that lightly…extremely brilliant on the computer…
Saturday morning new life began…this calf was only an hour or so old, still had the cord attached..and wobbly on its little legs…
See all the bunnies….LOL oh yeah…spring has sprung on the Higgins farm…farmer Mike had to pull some babies out of a hole! It was a fun visit…quick, but fun…
This past week, my lilacs FINALLY BLOOMED! I filled my office and kitchen with their wonderful fragrance. I feel sorry for allergy sufferers….one of which is my sweet hubby… but that doesn’t stop him from being outside and doing what he loves to do most….
and that is play in the dirt. Just this weekend we finally got some tomato plants in the ground…
remember the back wall project….Huh-honey poured a retaining wall, about 6 feet at a time…then filled it with dirt, not just any dirt, dirt that he sifted through his home made sifter and free from any little rocks and things, and mixed it with his magical formula of other “stuff” and..
Ta………Da……….. it actually looks better even today! The flowers are filling in so nicely….this truly doesn’t show off all the colors there are along this wall. The face of the wall will be stoned. That will be another project. But he will finish the rest of the planting along the far upper part of the pool. This has been a huge project, but it will be so beautiful… the improvement is so amazing.
There are 3 very large windows that look out to the back yard, and 3 windows in the kitchen looking into the back, it will nice when the plants grow bushy and tall and cover the ugly red wall. There is no getting away from having neighbors RIGHT behind me…and to the side of me, it is what we traded our country rural life for. This city is small enough so we don’t have the inversion of the Salt Lake Valley hoovering over us. Our sky’s in Southern Utah are usually blue and clear. Well most of the time anyway.
Our lawn is so green right now and lush and thick like carpet.
We filled several pots with lots of colorful flowers, hearty pansies and merigolds and uh, oh dear having a senior moment….you know, those other flowers…lol
Huh-honey had a birthday on Monday the 4th, as you can see by the smoke…lol, I put some of those candles on the cake that DON’T blow out…and they created a huge smoke bomb! I was surprised the alarm didn’t go off! It is all about the kids you know. The cake was for them. Koltyn must have said happy bird-day to papa a dozen times and sang his heart out over and over again. It is all about the kids….well the cake was pretty good I have to admit! and no, I didn’t make it…I bought it just minutes before the kids came over, on the way home from going out to dinner LOL. Hey, I am a working girl ya know….it was a MONDAY for crying out loud! We normally DON’T like store bought cake but this chocolate cake and fluffy dreamwhippy icing was DELICIOUS! LOL

this little stinker sure enjoyed it, Bob couldn’t shove it into her mouth fast enough….and NO BRAIN FREEZE! We had to actually STOP and say ENOUGH….thinking she would be sick! Kinlee has started to laugh like the “Muppets” Cookie Monster, it is so funny to hear a low growl come from this tiny petite little thing who is just barely taking her first steps…at14 months…she looks like she is still maybe 10 or 11 months she is so tiny….
on April 7th…7 years ago this precious little stinker entered the world. My daughter 2nd daughter.
I miss not being there for her school programs or soccer games or little gym classes or cheer classes. The girls visit every summer and I look forward to that time. Lately the cost of taking those spontaneous trips to NC 3 or 4 times a year has stopped. If my boat ever comes in…well in this life time anyway…before the girls graduate from high school or college…
Being so far from my girls has been very hard for me. She is a mini of her mother. Today doesn’t make it any easier, going through pictures of her…

We call her Brookie Cookie…because it rhymes…

Well………until next week….I am heading UP NORTH tomorrow to snow covered valley’s I am told. Hopefully not into a storm. The “Little Rascal’s are expecting us, so off we will go. Wish us luck! Hope the roads stay clean and we don’t hit the storm coming in!