It has been REALLY HOT here. Like 109, 110, 113. The pool was even too hot to swim in for a few days so we left it uncovered and it finally cooled down enough to be a little refreshing. Water logged? Yeah, the girls are getting water logged! It is hard for the teenager and 5 year old to be together ALL THE TIME. There is a lot of teasing and a lot of tattle-tailing going on LOL, oh ya know the saying...what goes around comes around...well that is happening in the life of my daughter. Only...I didn't have 2 girls! PHEW and that's a good thing! I have come to the conclusion that YES BOYS are easier to raise. They just go about their business. They do their own thing. Girls are sassy and whinny. LOL, oh it is fun having them around.....

On Friday night we went to our town square. They had "movie under the stars" night. A huge blow up screen (was pretty cool) was put up and people put their lawn chairs out and blankets out all over the lawn to watch a movie. It was free. (Oh yeah, see the "D" on the mountain side, well the reason behind letters on the mountain side in every little town or city is for high schools or colleges. Our "D" stands for Dixie State College. The "U" on the mountain in SLC is for the University of Utah, "W" in SLC on the mountain side is for my alma mater West High School, and so on and so on.) The kids (Kyler was with us) play in the water before the movie, although our girls had enough pooling.

We didn't stay for the whole show, "Astronaut Farmer" because they were bored. You just can't make the happy all the time! lol. But it was an evening out and Natalie and I enjoyed each others company just catching up and chatting like girls do...
The girls and I went to Las Vegas last Saturday. It was overcast and not too bad! I walked and walked and walked. There are a few hotels in that town that try and cater to the kids. You can spend dollar after dollar on games to win stuffed animals.

Well it kept them happy. We had lunch, watched it rain and heard it thunder inside a mall while we ate, saw a lion habitat at the MGM and got some treats at the M&M store. I even splurged and spent $1.56 on some M&M's and a got a cute bag they put it in.

I think I was paying for the bag. My daughter didn't get out so easy. $20 worth of M&M's. I think it was just fun filling up the bags. They do that on purpose so you don't know how much you are buying! We stayed until the lights went on, then took the 2 hour drive home again. It was a fun day.

every conceivable color of M&M there is. I mean EVERY color!
This is the PARIS tower in Las Vegas. It is beautiful at night. You can take a ride up to the top (for a cost of course) and view the whole "strip".The "girls" outside of the Venetian Hotel. I think.
We went to a play at Tuacahn last night. http://www.tuacahn.org/ I was sporting a huge migraine. Yes, it made my vision blurry, and I even got sick (blaaahhhh) but I pulled it off and went to the play because the tickets are non-refundable. It was such a fun performance. Our little Tuacahn is not so little. Pretty famous actually. There is a performing arts school and everything here in this little community. We have lots of entertainers come and do there thing here on this stage and the setting. Well you can't beat the setting. It is incredible. Here are a few pics of the evening. You can't (well they say you can't) take pictures but I sneaked a few in without the flash, and they didn't turn out too well.
Brooklyn on the far left with the "attitude"
The back drop of the outdoor theater and stage. They use the mountain in the back for many of their production...South Pacific was incredible, they had a waterfall come down the mountain and flood the stage....
By the way villagers, I am reading your posts each day....and trying to keep up. Posting myself has been a little slow! But I try to keep up! You are all so great in keeping your posts up!